
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

155 – Bhagavad Gita – Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – The Sublime path of Yoga

1043 Views | 9 months ago

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In this Global Satsang, Swamiji discusses the essence of Bhagavad Gita as a guide for practical spiritual sadhana. Emphasizing that the Gita is not a theoretical exposition but a mento-intellectual pursuit and a book of Sadhana, he explores Sannyasa (renunciation) and Yoga, asserting that both aim at the same objective. The path of Sannyasa is very difficult for one who has not attained the benefits of Yoga. But when one is adorned by Samatva Yoga, then Sannyasa becomes natural, easy and comfortable.

Even when one leaves home and goes to the forest, one is accompanied by the same mind. One is still under the grip of delusion, fear, desires, attractions and repulsion. On the other hand, one who is able to regulate and restrain his senses and dwells in his Self, remains unaffected and serene even in the household.

A seeker must diligently strive to do Sadhana remaining in the household. He must make efforts to gain mastery over the six enemies called desire, hatred, greed, delusion, infatuation and competition. Once that is done, he can confidently take up a sannyasa life. All scriptures highlight the importance of inner sublimity, asserting that even the household becomes an abode of austerity, if one becomes desire-free.

When the mind and intelligence of the seeker are adorned with Samatva Yoga, when his senses are regulated, when his personality is purified, when he sees his Self as the Self of all, then he does not get affected by anything. The ideal Yogi, being fully active in the world remains unaffected by external circumstances. He interacts with the world but he has an attitudinal enrichment, emotional refinement and a keen insight. He interacts with everything but will think: “I do not do anything”. When he is active and interactive, he understands that it is the senses alone which are interacting with sense-objects.

Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT

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