
Ma Gurupriya

102 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Divinize every moment

900 Views | 1 year ago

In this satsang, Ma explains that to become free of all the shackles of mind, while living in the midst of worldly distractions, every moment of our life must become joyful, divine and full of love for everyone.

How can one attain such a state? Ma explains that the process of listening, contemplating and meditating on the Truth must go on continuously throughout the day. Whatever we have listened and learnt, must be applied in our daily actions and interactions. We must offer everything we do to the Supreme Lord, with deep devotion. When we do so, our mind and heart will become pure.

Along with this, if one has an association with a Knower and listen to his words with humility, then the divine thoughts will start becoming predominant in us. Our mind is restless because of desires, ego and possessiveness. The Jnanis who are liberated, will tell us such things, which will loosen our attachment to all perishable things and burn away all impurities of mind.

Ma says, the aim of our birth is to get united with Lord, but we never pay heed to this inner call. When we finally understand this, everything we do will naturally be for that divine purpose!

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