
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

15 – Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 18 – by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Way to Freedom

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In this talk, Swamiji revisits the guna model presented in Bhagavad Gita. He speaks about the gunatita state where one transcends the three gunas. Such a person does not see any doer besides the gunas. He attains the Supreme.

Defining buddhi (intelligence) and dhriti (Will), Swamiji says that buddhi is that by which we understand. Dhriti is that by which the knowledge is retained. When we listen to the Truth, because of our worldly associations we are not able to retain the truth. But a sattvika intelligence can lead to a sattvika dhriti.

Swamiji discusses the impact of sattvika buddhi on our decisions, actions, sentiments and affectations. Sattvika buddhi is based on the comprehensive vision of oneness.

The yoga buddhi can only be successfully implemented in our interactions when we have a steady dhriti. An intellect which is always anchored in the soul dimension is fearless in taking up any project. Such an intellect will be enlightened and effective. The decisions of such an intelligence will be welfare-oriented and steady.

In contrast, rajo guna distorts thinking and has a wrong understanding. Such an intelligence has a differential notion of the world. Under delusion, tamasa buddhi perceives everything contrary to what it is! When tamo guna is dominant, one’s thinking becomes distorted.

Sloka: 18.29 to 18.32

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