
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

05 – by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Bathing in Upanishadic Wisdom part 5

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#globalsatsang #nutanswamiji #enlightenedliving

This talk is the fifth in a series of talks given by Nutan Swamiji during the Enlightened Living Retreat at Jamshedpur on 22 Nov 2019.

In this Global Satsang, Swamiji discusses mantras from Kathopanishad which say that life comes with two choices before everyone—Shreyas (which will take us to the ultimate auspicious goal) and Preyas (which offers immediate pleasures but which takes us away from our goal.) When faced with these two choices, a seeker must follow a simple thumb rule: follow what makes the mind feel light, strong, and expansive (Shreyas) rather than heavy, weak, and constricted (Preyas). One must opt for that which leads one to inner expansion, which helps one to transcend the limited body-mind identity and to identify with one’s own universal identity.

There is an inner voice in everyone which acts as a guide in making all choices in life. The inner voice is normally suppressed or disregarded because of fear, desires, greed and preferences. Overcoming fear and desire, one must heed the inner voice which projects the universal dimension within. Sublimating Raga-dvesha (attachment and aversion), if one can make choices guided by the inner self, one becomes placid and calm.

Kathopanishad says that it is very rare to hear about the Self. It is even rarer to know and understand the essence of it. Still more rare and wonderful is a knower of truth who exposes the knowledge. It is equally rare and wonderful to find a person who can grasp the Supreme Truth. A Sadhaka must seek Knowledge from the Guru who is a Self-Realized Knower, whose mind and thoughts are converged in the truth. Rejecting all worldly allurements, Nachiketa seeks to know the Ultimate Truth which transcends the codes of dharma and Adharma, which is beyond causality and which transcends the past and the future.

Live Global Satsang with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 PM IST/ 10:30 AM EDT/ 10:30 PM MYT

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