
Ma Gurupriya

02 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – Narratives from Sreemad Bhagavatam

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In this Satsang, Ma discusses the mental attitude of King Pareekshit after having been cursed by the son of Shameeka Maharishi. He decided to abandon the kingdom and all possessions and focus on the exclusive contemplation of Sri Hari. He sat on the banks of Ganges contemplating on how he could attain the Lord in the limited span of life he had left.

When Suka Maharishi arrived there, he asked him, “O Lord, for one whose death is imminent, what should he hear, chant and do to deepen his devotion to the Lord?” Pleased with this question, Suka Deva started speaking about the glories and Lilas of the Lord.

In the transitory life there is much duhkha and suffering. But man fails to notice that and he spends his time chasing after external temporary joys. In consequence, he is surrounded by sorrow, delusion and fear. So, one must listen to the glories of the all-pervading Lord, chant His name and think about Him to become fearless. When one hears about the Lord, devotion is generated in the mind which removes all fear. One must make it a habit to hear and chant the nectarine name of the Lord.

Ma also speaks about the conversation between King Nimi and the nine Yogis in the eleventh Skandha of Srimad Bhagavatam. King Nimi asked the nine Yogis about the Bhagavata Dharmas-about how a devotee must live life being devoted to the Lord. In reply, the nine Yogis gave a set of
disciplines by which one can feel the Lord in the heart. When one holds on to the holy feet of the Lord, leaving everything else, one becomes fearless, stable and unaffected.

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