
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

204- Bhagavad Gita – Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – The force to lift yourself up lies within you

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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6

In this Satsang, Swamiji emphasizes that renunciation is not abandoning secular or religious activities but an inner attitude and attainment. It is the transformation of the mind and intelligence. Bhagavad Gita says that whatever is spoken of as renunciation (sannyasa), is verily Yoga. Without abandoning desires, one cannot become a Yogi. Sri Krishna says that man must take to activity to ascend to the state of Yoga. Once he transcends all secular interests, then he can withdraw from activities and concentrate exclusively on inner absorption.

Earlier in the text, it is said that Jnana Yoga is a practice for those who are given to applying their intelligence and contemplating. For the rest, pursuit of Karma becomes a Yogic practice. Srimad Bhagavatam also lists the three kinds of Yoga which will lead a seeker to ever-lasting fulfilment. Jnana Yoga is for dispassionate and contemplative people. For those who have some expectations, passions and desires, Karma Yoga is the right path. Bhakti Yoga is effective for those who revel in listening to the glories of the Lord, and who neither have dispassion nor excessive clinging.

When one has no clinging to sensory enjoyments, activities, and interactions, when the mind is mature and has abandoned all expectations and imaginations, then he is a Yogi. This state is attainable for all human beings. One must elevate oneself by one’s own mento-intellectual effort and not allow oneself to degenerate or decline. One who has become his own master by inner orientation, his mind is his friend. But for one lacking in inner enrichment, his own mind is his enemy.

Yoga Vasishtha Ramayana says that a seeker must take recourse to Paurusha (will and resolve). In the entire sadhana, the seeker must make use of the mind and intelligence with purpose, clarity, and resolve. Swamiji tells all seekers that not fostering any expectations, desires, and imaginations, they should simply allow the providential flow, without hindering it and be in a state of harmony, oneness. From such a state of harmony, there will emerge a state of grandeur.

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