
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

116 – Bhagavad Gita – Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – Krishna’s Assurance to Humanity

963 Views | 2 years ago

In this Satsang, Swamiji continues to discuss the fourth chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Giving a summary of the first five verses, he says that Sri Krishna speaks from the position of one who has Realized his True identity. Established in this identity, he gives instructions to Arjuna. When he says ‘I’, he indicates the eternal Presence which animates and activates the body and which is the Witness of everything.

Establishing his identity in the ‘I’, Krishna says: “Although I am unborn and imperishable, by virtue of my own intrinsic power I Lord over the conventional creation and become born as something unusual and special”. Giving various examples, Swamiji says that there is a place for unconventional and special things in this creation. Special births are necessary in many places--in the field of science, education, warfare and administration. If somebody is able to contribute specially to the welfare of the world, that man is also a special birth.

Giving a promise and assurance to the entire humanity, Sri Krishna says: “When a chaotic situation develops because of decline in values and dharma, I get born again and again to establish righteousness”. Clarifying this point, Swamiji says that it does not mean that Krishna will be born again and again. The Soul of Krishna and in all others in creation is the same. Like Krishna, many will be born in different places to bring corrections and revivals. Just like the objective world is governed by biological, physical and chemical laws, the inner realm is governed by spiritual laws. These spiritual laws, ensure that there is a balance in creation and goodness is protected.

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