

Atma Sudha Verse by Verse (Fountain of Bliss)

38 ankolam nijabeeja-santatir

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • 38 ankolam nijabeeja-santatir

    Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

अङ्कोलं निजबीजसन्ततिरयस्कान्तोपलं सूचिका
साध्वी नैजविभुं लता क्षितिरुहं सिन्धुः सरिद्वल्लभम् ।
प्राप्नोतीह यथा तथा पशुपतेः पादारविन्दद्वयं
चेतोवृत्तिरुपेत्य तिष्ठति सदा सा भक्तिरित्युच्यते ॥॥
– शिवानन्दलहरी ६१

aṅkolaṃ nijabīja-santatir-ayaskāntopalaṃ sūcikā
sādhvī naija-vibhuṃ latā kṣitiruhaṃ sindhu: sarid-vallabham ।
prāpnotīha yathā tathā paśupate: pādāravindadvayaṃ
cetovṛttir-upetya tiṣṭhati sadā sā bhaktir-ity-ucyate ।।
– Śivānandalaharī 61

As the ankola seed finds its way to the mother-tree from which it has fallen, as the iron needle irresistibly moves to the magnet placed nearby, as the chaste woman looks solely to her husband for delight, as the growing creeper rests fully upon the tree for its support, as the flowing river rushes to the ocean to merge in it – in the same manner when the mind seeks out ardently the two lotus-feet of Pashupati (Śiva), and remains fixed on them always, then that indeed is called devotion.

Atma Sudha Verse by Verse (Fountain of Bliss)

38 ankolam nijabeeja-santatir

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

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