
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

15 – Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 3 – By Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Yoga of Enlightened Action

432 Views | 2 years ago

In this discourse, Swamiji explains that most people are not suited for Jnana Yoga, the path of reflection and contemplation. They must opt to follow the path of interactional sadhana, Karma Yoga. Both paths lead to the same goal.

Discussing in detail the path of Karma Yoga, Swamiji says that one must transform one’s attitude towards work so that it becomes a yoga, free of clinging to the objective results.One must develop samatva and eliminate raga-dvesha as well as desires. Raga and dvesha reside in the senses, mind and buddhi and they tend to cover the Soul knowledge.

The sadhana or pursuit is to first establish the intelligence on the Soul. Then, using intelligence as a guide to the mind, one must sublimate the senses and thereby transcend raga-dvesha.

Swamiji points to the four paths for Sadhana, as presented in Bhagavad Gita.
1. Develop samatva
2. Have Yajna vision-- all activities to be performed as an offering to God.
3. Transcend Gunas (The Rajo guna and Tamo Guna to be transcended by developing Sattva Guna, then transcend that too).
4. Surrender - total reliance on the Supreme.

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