
Ma Gurupriya

114 – by Swamini Ma Gurupriya – The Holy Pilgrimage to Poornashram – Dakshinkhanda

943 Views | 2 years ago

In this unique, devotional and sublime Satsang, Ma recounts her pilgrimage to Dakshinkhanda in West Bengal, the abode of Baba Gangadhara Paramahamsa.

Baba’s (Poojya Swamiji’s Gurudev) abode Poornashram, in the village of Dakshinkhanda, was a two-storied structure. After Baba shed his body, the structure slowly became dilapidated. After years, it came under the care of the Ashram trust and Poojya Swamiji took a sankalpa to rebuild Poornashram just the way it was during Baba’s time.

After some delay due to Covid, the decision was taken to lay the foundation stone on 18th January 2023. Poojya Swamiji asked Ma to take the holy stone (cast by the Ashram mason) to Dakshinkhanda for the Shila Sthapana ceremony. Ma, accompanied by two Brahmacharinis of the Ashram, undertook the journey with the sole aim of fulfilling the wish of Poojya Swamiji.

In this talk, Ma lovingly recounts her holy pilgrimage and the emotions that it aroused in her. Starting with the consecration of the holy stone bearing the sign Om in the Ashram, Ma takes us along on the journey culminating in the Shila Pratishtha. The whole narration leaves one emotionally and spiritually charged, thinking about the great Guru Parampara.

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