
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

07 – Bhagavad Gita – By Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha – Sadhana for Life

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Swamiji, in this talk, reiterates that Bhagavad Gita is a historic composition, recorded in Mahabharata. It presents eternal values belonging to the inner human personality. The body, mind, intelligence and ego are inert. They are activated and animated by the inner substratum-the Self.

Swamiji summarizes the circumstances in which Sri Krishna empowered Arjuna to fight the war. He reiterates that the entire Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between a student and a teacher. Swamiji recapitulates again the subjects discussed in the last six talks—Samatva, Karma Yoga and Birth & Death.

In this talk, Swamiji discusses Bhakti or devotion, as presented in Bhagavad Gita. Bhakti, says Swamiji, is a feeling and fervour of the heart. Quoting different verses from Bhagavad Gita, Swamiji explains the qualities of a devotee. He says that when you offer something to God, what you offer is immaterial. God accepts the offering if you offer it with devotion.

God is one from whom all the activities are emerging, says Swamiji. Our heart is breathing because of God. God is residing in the heart of all the creatures. So, worship God through all your activities. He is all pervading. So, all-fold devotion throughout the day is necessary, emphasizes Swamiji.

Finally, Swamiji speaks about ‘surrender’. Seek refuge in God, he exhorts. Sri Krishna says, “Leave all ethical codes and fix your mind constantly on Me”. Explaining this, Swamiji says that a seeker needs to surrender the thought of the ‘many’ and take refuge in the ‘One’ (the omnipresent God). If you can get infused by the singular nature of the One, that is liberation, concludes Swamiji.

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