Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha takes us another step closer to developing an integrated personality. Guided by Swamiji's own experiential wisdom, and key shlokas from Kathopanishad, Mundakopanishad and Bhagavad Gita, we are shown what it means to actualize this Knowledge, and the sure way to do it.
In simple, relatable terms, Swamiji explains the real meaning of purity, and what is impurity. As clarity grows, we are made more aware of what our obstacles are in this path, and the correct way to remove them in order to live successfully, led by the vision of our Soul.
Verses discussed -
Kathopanishad 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 2.3.10, 1.3.7, 1.3.8
Bhagavad Gita 2.59, 3.42, 3.43, 6.18, 5.12, 2.64
Mundakopanishad 1.2.12
Patanjali Yoga Sutra 1.33
Swamiji will be discussing 'Voice of Upanishads'. The Global Satsang will be based on Kathopanishad and Mundakopanishad. | Live Satsangs with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/ 9:30 am EST/ 10:30 pm MST
#globalsatsang #nutanswamiji #enlightenedliving
Register to stay informed about Live events: globalgita.org/registration/
Website: www.SwamiBhoomanandaTirtha.org
Questions: questions@globalgita.org
Publications: globalgita.org/publications/
Handout: www.narayanashramatapovanam.org/program-handouts
Facebook: www.facebook.com/narayanashrama.tapovanam/
Whatsapp: +91 8547960362
The Point Where All Contradictions Meet and Dissolve
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
The Truth about the World
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Spiritual Growth under a Guru
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Consciousness is Everything - Good or Bad
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Prajnanam Brahma
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
What constitutes Spiritual Wisdom?
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha