
Be Relaxed and Fearless

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


You are a student, so study well and to the extent you can. Having done your part, namely studying well, go cheerfully to the examination hall. Write freely and in an innocuous manner whatever comes to your mind. Depend on the Almighty to give you strength. Do not frighten your own mind, or allow doubts like ‘will I pass’ or ‘will I not pass’ to assail your mind.

Respected Swamiji,

I am ‘A’, a student of class X. My exams are hardly two months away. The problem with me is that I cannot concentrate on my studies because of an unknown fear that persists in my mind. This is my humble request, Swamiji: please shower your blessings so that I may concentrate on my studies and appear in the examinations without any fear.

Your obedient daughter, A

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Dear and blessed A,

Harih Om Tat Sat. You have written to me with a problem in your mind – why should any problem trouble one like you, blessed as you are with these rare qualities? Have no fear at all!

You are a student, so study well and to the extent you can. Having done your part, namely studying well, go cheerfully to the examination hall. Write freely and in an innocuous manner whatever comes to your mind. Depend on the Almighty to give you strength. Do not frighten your own mind, or allow doubts like ‘will I pass’ or ‘will I not pass’ to assail your mind.

Look, the question of success or failure in an examination arises only after appearing in it. Why should you spoil your very attempt by such self-defeating thoughts? Let me assure you, there are many others – even elderly people – who have this fear while facing interviews or tests. So, it is better that you treat your mind against this fear and weakness right now.

Here are a few points to help you. I take it that you are a good student – fairly studious and serious about your studies. Being so, all that I want you to do is:

Feel relaxed; truly relaxed – a) while studying b) after studies and c) before studies.

Now and then have a break from your study sessions. Come out of your room or place of study and have some good diversion – talk to your relatives in a friendly manner, with interest. Laugh or weep when you get an occasion to do so. By both, your system will get the needed relaxation and will be strengthened and purified. This is a secret. Know it early and well.

Every day at dusk, spend a minimum of 30 minutes to sing some bhajans or recite prayers. Recite or sing clearly, boldly. Be moderately loud. While doing so, listen to your own voice – this is very important and a must. All these will give your mind a freshness, vigour, and lightness. A tense mind will bring in anxiety, irritation or fear and other imagined problems.

Make God your friend, protector and guide. Never fear Him! Love and rely on Him! Learn to do so from now on. It may take decades for your efforts to become wholesome and deep – but start right away.

May you succeed in your efforts. Love and ashis.

(From the book: Divinizing Every Moment)


“Feel relaxed; truly relaxed – a) while studying b) after studies and c) before studies. ”

“Every day at dusk, spend a minimum of 30 minutes to sing some bhajans or recite prayers. ”

“A tense mind will bring in anxiety, irritation or fear and other imagined problems.”
