Ma Gurupriya
Verse 15.5
Ma Gurupriya
nirmāna-mohā jita-saṅga-doṣā
adhyātma-nityā vinivṛtta-kāmā:
dvandvair-vimuktā: sukha-du:kha-sañjñai: –
gacchanty-amūḍhā: padam-avyayaṃ tat – 5
Those, who are free of pride and delusion, have won over the defect of attachment, who are given to constant reflection on the supreme Reality, and are fully rid of desires; who have overcome the hold of pairs of opposites in the form of sukha and duhkha, they become free of delusion and reach that supreme imperishable Abode.
Ma Gurupriya
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