

Prabhata Rashmih - What is it to be spiritual and its benefits

What is Spirituality

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • What is Spirituality

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Defining Spirituality, Swamiji says that Spirituality means a life where one is conscious of one’s mind and intelligence and ego. One is aware of the Soul animating your body. Knowing this body-different factor, one gives sufficient value to it and remain linked to it.

What does Spirituality bestow on a practitioner? The very thought of Ātma in his life will transform the life of the seeker. He keeps thinking that: “There is a Soul within the body. I am not the body, I am the Soul, and the Soul is infinitely powerful, potent, resourceful.” This thought when one starts beginning to accept it, it will make the mind expansive, selfless and pure.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

अयं बन्धुरयं नेति गणना लघुचेतसां ।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकं ।।


Prabhata Rashmih - What is it to be spiritual and its benefits

What is Spirituality

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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