

Prabhata Rashmih - What is it to be spiritual and its benefits

What is Spiritual Excellence?

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • What is Spiritual Excellence?

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Swamiji says that our sadhana should be all-time and wholesome. We must constantly feel that we are seekers and practitioners. One should not allow the mind to be constricted by conventional notions. Anything that constricts is not at all spiritual. Anything that installs expansion, lightness, and flexibility is spiritual. Everyday must be one of expansion, greater enrichment and elevation. One must go higher and higher in purity. We must move from a mustard-like to a spatial, lighthearted, and flexible mind.

Spiritual excellence is when one is ready to assimilate impacts from all places, people and events. In all interactional impacts, we must be ready to assimilate the mind’s responses. As this happens, we are enriched, and our capacity grows.

The qualities must grow in us. The true nature of spirituality lies in this. As we do our sadhana properly, we welcome everything that comes and goes from our life. We will never feel defeated and live a victorious life, assimilating impacts and generating outputs that help us go forward, concludes Swamiji.

Prabhata Rashmih - What is it to be spiritual and its benefits

What is Spiritual Excellence?

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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