

Prabhata Rashmih – Interactional Sadhana, its role and means

The Importance of Interactional Sadhana

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The Importance of Interactional Sadhana

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Poojya Swamiji says that Yoga is not merely following physical/bodily disciplines, but it must be a practice which touches the mind, intelligence and heart.

Krishna’s message in the Kurukshetra battlefield is a yoga-shastra which acted upon mind and intelligence of Arjuna.

In our Indian culture, Vedic learning ranks supreme and the last part of Vedas i.e. Upanishads which deal with Jnana or knowledge.

The Sadhana of a seeker must be two-fold–Meditational and non-meditational Sadhana. By the post-meditational or interactional sadhana one must attain expansion and sublimation which will bring about joy, comfort, stability and harmony.

PR 18 May 2017

Prabhata Rashmih – Interactional Sadhana, its role and means

The Importance of Interactional Sadhana

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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