
Blame the Sinful Act – Not the Sinner

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


You may dislike bad, you may condemn wickedness, you may avoid vices. That is quite alright. But you cannot hate people who are wicked.

11 June 2015

Hariḥ Om Tat Sat. Jai Guru. Jai Guru. There are laws and processes about the mind. These are applicable not only to the seekers of spirituality but for all others as well. One’s life may be in any field – worldly, domestic, professional or societal. Life anywhere is governed by the same principles so far as the mind and matter are concerned.

Do not hate others including the wicked

Always keep a watch on your mind. Understanding the mind should not be avoided or postponed. In improving the mind, there is one fundamental principle. Do not entertain or cherish any kind of a bad judgmental thought.

The judgement may be of yourself or of others, it makes no difference. Any kind of a bad thought is bad indeed and it spoils the mind. You may dislike bad, you may condemn wickedness, you may avoid vices. That is quite alright. But you cannot hate people who are wicked. Do not dislike those who are bad.

Dislike qualities – but not the person

When I say this there may be a revolt and misbelief in your Do not entertain or cherish any kind of a bad judgmental thought. minds. But you have to deal with your responses. You may dislike and disapprove of bad. But you cannot dislike and disapprove of people, even if they have dislikeable qualities.

Even a murderer when arrested and kept in a jail, has to be looked after properly. In fact, the jailor takes his weight and ensures that the prisoner is given sufficient food and kept healthy.

If this is how a convicted murderer is treated, don’t you think all people, in spite of whatever they do, have a right to live in this world? So, give them a position in your mind, never hate them. At the same time, you can dislike, discourage or disapprove of whatever is bad and wicked. This one principle I would like you to think about, spend a lot of time until you understand, accept and act upon it.

Dislike the bad, disapprove the bad attitude, behavior or act; but do not dislike and disapprove the bad people. Disliking people itself is bad so far as you are concerned. It may appear to be a little enigmatic for you, but you have to think about it and understand.

Harih Om Tat Sat. Jai Guru.

Vicharasethu April 2024


“Do not entertain or cherish any kind of a bad judgmental thought.”

“Dislike the bad, disapprove the bad attitude, behavior or act; but do not dislike and disapprove the bad people. Disliking people itself is bad.”
