Devotees Corner

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    Devotees Corner (12)

    The Source Within

    I was telling them (the audience) that it is a wonder why we miss the source of everything we see, hear, touch and feel! How is it that we grasp only the external world, knowing fully well that the source of everything is right within each of us!

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    Reminiscences of Five Divine Days

    As Swamiji and some other devotees carried the armchair, Bābā was amused and he started shouting “Hari bol Hari bol”– as it is done in Bengal, but while carrying a dead body! The few railway staff present in the deserted station at that unearthly hour watched curiously the strange procession. Did they know that the reminder about mortality of the body was coming from an Immortal Soul while being carried by another Immortal Soul?

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    On the slope of the hill, opposite the last house of the village stood a thicket of sunflowers. It grew from a seed thrown by somebody who had passed by a long time ago. It was delightful to see the big leaves on stems as high as eight feet and flowers with brown seeds crowned by yellow petals looking like small suns, swaying in the breeze.

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    Jayanti Celebration at Dakshinkhanda

    When we came to know that the 90th birthday of our beloved Swamiji falls on 13th May, we devotees got inspired and sitting with Somnath Dada (from Jamshedpur), planned to celebrate Swamiji’s birthday. Sweet words, lisping speech in Bengali, affectionate gaze, soft heart, ochre dress and headgear, always busy surrounded by devotees, serving the suffering people as Nara-Narayana – such is our beloved Swamiji.

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