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    VIDEOS (2)

    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    08 – by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha – Three Gunas that Binds and Liberates Us

    This is the eighth video in the playlist "Three Gunas that Binds and Liberates" based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14. In this Satsang, Swamiji analyzes and discusses the qualities of a gunatita (one who has transcended the gunas), as presented in the Bhagavad Gita.

    Audios (3)

    • World Experiences are Only Mental Imprints - II

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    • Non-expectation - The Hallmark of True Seeking

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    • Mind - The Way to make it Happy and Contented

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Articles (4)

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    How to Acquire Virtues

    You have to provide nutrients to the mind and intelligence. When you provide the mental, intelligential and spiritual nutrients, the mind has to assimilate them. This process of assimilation depends on your sincerity, your interest and your dedication.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Peace – in Meditation and in Activity

    The mind has to become pure. A number of qualities are to be imbued into it. This pursuit of purity, goodness and virtues, which directly bring peace to the mind – no matter whether the mind is active or inactive – is the ultimate quest of all religions, philosophy, spirituality and yoga.

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Be Endowed with Gurutva – Exalted Dimension

    The word ‘Gurutva’ means profundity, solemnity, dignity and loftiness. In spiritual life, it implies the ability to receive, retain, and give. As one progresses, he must ultimately resemble the sky and God!

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    Ma Gurupriya

    The Bliss of Non-Expectation

    निष्किंञ्चना मय्यनुरक्तचेतसः शान्ता महान्तोऽखिलजीववत्सलाः। कामैरनालब्धधियो जुषन्ति यत् तन्नैरपेक्ष्यं न विदुः सुखं मम ।। niṣkiṁncanā mayyanuraktacetasaḥ śāntā mahānto'khilajīvavatsalāḥ| kāmairanālabdhadhiyo juṣanti yat tannairapekṣyaṁ na viduḥ sukhaṁ mama ||

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