

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11

    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

अर्जुन उवाच ।
मदनुग्रहाय परमं गुह्यमध्यात्मसञ्ज्ञितम् ।
यत्त्वयोक्तं वचस्तेन मोहोऽयं विगतो मम ।।

arjuna uvāca
mad-anugrahāya paramaṃ guhyam-adhyātma-sañjñitam
yat-tvayoktaṃ vacas-tena moho’yaṃ vigato mama – 11.1

Arjuna said: With the sole intent of blessing me, whatever You have said about the supreme hidden spiritual Truth, by that my delusion is gone.

भवाप्ययौ हि भूतानां श्रुतौ विस्तरशो मया ।
त्वत्त: कमलपत्राक्ष माहात्म्यमपि चाव्ययम् ।।

bhavāpy-ayau hi bhūtānāṃ śrutau vistaraśo mayā
tvatta: kamala-patrākṣa māhātmyam-api cāvyayam – 11.2

O lotus-leaf-eyed Krishna! I have heard from You in detail the origin of all beings, as well as their dissolution; also the inexhaustible glory of the Supreme.

एवमेतद्यथात्थ त्वमात्मानं परमेश्वर ।
द्रष्टुमिच्छामि ते रूपमैश्वरं पुरुषोत्तम ।।

evam-etad-yathāttha tvam-ātmānaṃ parameśvara
draṣṭum-icchāmi te rūpam-aiśvaraṃ puruṣottama – 11.3

O supreme Lord, as You have recounted the greatness of Yourself, I wish to see Your Lordly form, O Purushottama.

मन्यसे यदि तच्छक्यं मया द्रष्टुमिति प्रभो ।
योगेश्वर ततो मे त्वं दर्शयात्मानमव्ययम् ।।

manyase yadi tacchakyaṃ mayā draṣṭum-iti prabho
yogeśvara tato me tvaṃ darśayātmānam-avyayam – 11.4

If you feel, O Lord, that I am fit to see, then O Master of Yoga, show me Your immutable Self (with Its glory as you have related).

श्रीभगवानुवाच ।
पश्य मे पार्थ रूपाणि शतशोऽथ सहस्रश: ।
नानाविधानि दिव्यानि नानावर्णाकृतीनि च ।।

śrī bhagavān-uvāca
paśya me pārtha rūpāṇi śataśo’tha sahasraśa:
nānā-vidhāni divyāni nānā-varṇākṛtīni ca – 11.5

Lord Krishna said: See, O Partha (Arjuna), My hundreds and thousands of forms, consisting of many divine kinds, colours and shapes.

पश्यादित्यान्वसून्रुद्रानश्विनौ मरुतस्तथा ।
बहून्यदृष्टपूर्वाणि पश्याश्चर्याणि भारत ।।

paśyādityān-vasūn-rudrān-aśvinau marutas-tathā
bahūny-adṛṣṭapūrvāṇi paśyāścaryāṇi bhārata – 11.6

Behold Adityas, Vasus, Rudras, Ashvins, and Maruts – many a marvel and glory, not seen ever by anyone, O descendant of Bharata.

इहैकस्थं जगत्कृत्स्नं पश्याद्य सचराचरम् ।
मम देहे गुडाकेश यच्चान्यद्द्रष्टुमिच्छसि ।।

ihaikasthaṃ jagat-kṛtsnaṃ paśyādya sacarācaram
mama dehe guḍākeśa yaccānyad-draṣṭum-icchasi – 11.7

O conqueror of sleep (Arjuna), see now in My body the entire Universe, consisting of mobile and immobile creation, inhering in one source. Behold also whatever you further aspire to see.

न तु मां शक्यसे द्रष्टुमनेनैव स्वचक्षुषा ।
दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षु: पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम् ।।

na tu māṃ śakyase draṣṭum-anenaiva sva-cakṣuṣā
divyaṃ dadāmi te cakṣu: paśya me yogam-aiśvaram – 11.8

You cannot see My universal magnitude with your gross external eyes. So I am bestowing a divine vision to you. See now the spiritual grandeur of My yoga.

सञ्जय उवाच ।
एवमुक्त्वा ततो राजन्महायोगेश्वरो हरि: ।
दर्शयामास पार्थाय परमं रूपमैश्वरम् ।।

sañjaya uvāca
evam-uktvā tato rājan-mahāyogeśvaro hari:
darśayāmāsa pārthāya paramaṃ rūpam-aiśvaram – 11.9

Sanjaya said: O King (Dhritarashtra), stating thus, Lord Hari (Krishna), the great Yogeśvara, revealed to Partha (Arjuna) the Supreme Divine Form.

अनेकवक्त्रनयनमनेकाद्भुतदर्शनम् ।
अनेकदिव्याभरणं दिव्यानेकोद्यतायुधम् ।।

aneka-divyābharaṇaṃ divyānekodyatāyudham – 11.10

Ah, with countless mouths and eyes, multiple awe-inspiring sights, manifold divine ornaments, appallingly assorted divine weapons lifted up in readiness for battle;

दिव्यमाल्याम्बरधरं दिव्यगन्धानुलेपनम् ।
सर्वाश्चर्यमयं देवमनन्तं विश्वतोमुखम् ।।

divya-mālyāmbaradharaṃ divya-gandhānulepanam
sarvāścaryamayaṃ devam-anantaṃ viśvatomukham – 11.11

Dressed in divine garlands and apparel, smeared with unguents of divine perfume, wonderful on every front, the infinite Lord stood with face everywhere.

दिवि सूर्यसहस्रस्य भवेद्युगपदुत्थिता ।
यदि भा: सदृशी सा स्याद्भासस्तस्य महात्मन: ।।

divi sūrya-sahasrasya bhaved-yuga-pad-utthitā
yadi bhā: sadṛśī sā syād-bhāsas-tasya mahātmana: – 11.12

The radiance from the Great person of the Lord is such that it may resemble the brilliance in the sky of a thousand suns if they were to blaze together!

तत्रैकस्थं जगत्कृत्स्नं प्रविभक्तमनेकधा ।
अपश्यद्देवदेवस्य शरीरे पाण्डवस्तदा ।।

tatraikasthaṃ jagat-kṛtsnaṃ pravibhaktam-anekadhā
apaśyad-deva-devasya śarīre pāṇḍavas-tadā – 11.13

The son of Pandu (Arjuna) saw there in the person of the Supreme, the God of gods, the entire Universe, its multiple divisions inhering in One.

तत: स विस्मयाविष्टो हृष्टरोमा धनञ्जय: ।
प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत ।।

tata: sa vismayāviṣṭo hṛṣṭa-romā dhanañjaya:
praṇamya śirasā devaṃ kṛtāñjalir-abhāṣata – 11.14

Thereupon Dhananjaya (Arjuna), overwhelmed with wonder, hairs of the body bristling in excitement, prostrated before the Lord (Krishna), and spoke with folded hands.

अर्जुन उवाच ।
पश्यामि देवांस्तव देव देहे
सर्वांस्तथा भूतविशेषसङ्घान् ।
ब्रह्माणमीशं कमलासनस्थम्-
ऋषींश्च सर्वानुरगांश्च दिव्यान् ।।

arjuna uvāca
paśyāmi devāṃs-tava deva dehe
sarvāṃs-tathā bhūta-viśeṣa-saṅghān
brahmāṇamīśaṃ kamalāsanastham-
ṛṣīṃś-ca sarvān-uragāṃś-ca divyān – 11.15

Arjuna said: I behold in Your body all devas (heavenly denizens), equally all beings with their special groups and orders, Brahmā, the Creator, seated in lotus, Rishis as well as the celestial serpents.

पश्यामि त्वां सर्वतोऽनन्तरूपम् ।
नान्तं न मध्यं न पुनस्तवादिं
पश्यामि विश्वेश्वर विश्वरूप ।।

paśyāmi tvāṃ sarvato’nanta-rūpam
nāntaṃ na madhyaṃ na punas-tavādiṃ
paśyāmi viśveśvara viśva-rūpa – 11.16

I see You with many hands, bellies, faces and eyes, as of infinite measure in every direction. I see no end, nor middle, nor beginning for You, O Lord of the Universe, O Universal Form itself!

किरीटिनं गदिनं चक्रिणं च
तेजोराशिं सर्वतो दीप्तिमन्तम् ।
पश्यामि त्वां दुर्निरीक्ष्यं समन्तात्-
दीप्तानलार्कद्युतिमप्रमेयम् ।।

kirīṭinaṃ gadinaṃ cakriṇaṃ ca
tejo-rāśiṃ sarvato dīptimantam
paśyāmi tvāṃ dur-nirīkṣyaṃ samantāt-
dīptānalārka-dyutim-aprameyam – 11.17

I see You with the crown, the mace, the discus, and a host of powerful brilliances blazing on all sides, making it hard to look around anywhere, dazzling like the sun and fire, defying all measures.

त्वमक्षरं परमं वेदितव्यं
त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम् ।
त्वमव्यय: शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता
सनातनस्त्वं पुरुषो मतो मे ।।

tvam-akṣaraṃ paramaṃ veditavyaṃ
tvam-asya viśvasya paraṃ nidhānam
tvam-avyaya: śāśvata-dharma-goptā
sanātanas-tvaṃ puruṣo mato me – 11.18

You are the Imperishable, the Absolute, the One to be known. You are the support and refuge of the Universe. You are inexhaustible, the protector of eternal dharma. You are the ever-present Purusha.

अनन्तबाहुं शशिसूर्यनेत्रम् ।
पश्यामि त्वां दीप्तहुताशवक्त्रम्
स्वतेजसा विश्वमिदं तपन्तम् ।।

ananta-bāhuṃ śaśi-sūrya-netram
paśyāmi tvāṃ dīpta-hutāśa-vaktram
svatejasā viśvam-idaṃ tapantam – 11.19

I see You without beginning, middle or end, as infinitely powerful with countless arms, with sun and moon as Your eyes, blazing fire as Your mouth, scorching the whole Universe with powerful radiance.

द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं हि
व्याप्तं त्वयैकेन दिशश्च सर्वा: ।
दृष्ट्वाद्भुतं रूपमुग्रं तवेदं
लोकत्रयं प्रव्यथितं महात्मन् ।।

dyāvāpṛthivyor-idam-antaraṃ hi
vyāptaṃ tvayaikena diśaś-ca sarvā:
dṛṣṭvādbhutaṃ rūpam-ugraṃ tavedaṃ
loka-trayaṃ pravyathitaṃ mahātman – 11.20

Your presence alone fills the entire space between heaven and earth, equally so all the (eight) directions. Seeing Your fierce and astounding form, O Mahātman, the three worlds are trembling indeed!

अमी हि त्वां सुरसङ्घा विशन्ति
केचिद्भीता: प्राञ्जलयो गृणन्ति ।
स्वस्तीत्युक्त्वा महर्षिसिद्धसङ्घा:
स्तुवन्ति त्वां स्तुतिभि: पुष्कलाभि: ।।

amī hi tvāṃ sura-saṅghā viśanti
kecid-bhītā: prāñjalayo gṛṇanti
svastītyuktvā maharṣi-siddha-saṅghā:
stuvanti tvāṃ stutibhi: puṣkalābhi: – 11.21

Hosts of devas are entering You, the Supreme; some out of fear, adoring You with folded hands. Groups of Seers and Siddhas, bidding auspiciousness, are praising You with magnificent hymns.

रुद्रादित्या वसवो ये च साध्या
विश्वेऽश्विनौ मरुतश्चोष्मपाश्च ।
वीक्षन्ते त्वां विस्मिताश्चैव सर्वे ।।

rudrādityā vasavo ye ca sādhyā
viśve’śvinau marutaś-coṣmapāś-ca
vīkṣante tvāṃ vismitāś-caiva sarve – 11.22

Rudras, Adityas, Vasus, Sadhyas, Vishva-devas, Ashvins, Maruts, Ushmapas, hosts of Gandharvas, Yakshas, Asuras and Siddhas, all look at You with amazement.

रूपं महत्ते बहुवक्त्रनेत्रं
महाबाहो बहुबाहूरुपादम् ।
बहूदरं बहुदंष्ट्राकरालं
दृष्ट्वा लोका: प्रव्यथितास्तथाहम् ।।

rūpaṃ mahat-te bahu-vaktra-netraṃ
mahā-bāho bahu-bāhūru-pādam
bahūdaraṃ bahu-daṃṣṭrākarālaṃ
dṛṣṭvā lokā: pravyathitās-tathāham – 11.23

Seeing Your stupendous form, with manifold faces and eyes, O Mighty-armed, with many hands, thighs and feet, manifold bellies, multiple protruding teeth, all worlds are shaken in affliction; and so too am I.

नभ:स्पृशं दीप्तमनेकवर्णं
व्यात्ताननं दीप्तविशालनेत्रम् ।
दृष्ट्वा हि त्वां प्रव्यथितान्तरात्मा
धृतिं न विन्दामि शमं च विष्णो ।।

nabha:-spṛśaṃ dīptam-aneka-varṇaṃ
vyāttānanaṃ dīpta-viśāla-netram
dṛṣṭvā hi tvāṃ pravyathitāntarātmā
dhṛtiṃ na vindāmi śamaṃ ca viṣṇo – 11.24

Touching the skies, blazing with many colours, with wide open mouth and large brilliant eyes – seeing You thus, my soul is shaken, I have lost all stability and peace, O universal Lord!

दंष्ट्राकरालानि च ते मुखानि
दृष्ट्वैव कालानलसन्निभानि ।
दिशो न जाने न लभे च शर्म
प्रसीद देवेश जगन्निवास ।।

daṃṣṭrā-karālāni ca te mukhāni
dṛṣṭvaiva kālānala-sannibhāni
diśo na jāne na labhe ca śarma
prasīda deveśa jagan-nivāsa – 11.25

Looking at Your gaping mouths with fiercely protruding teeth resembling the blazing fire of deluge, I have lost all sense of direction, I have no peace or composure. Be gracious (to me), O Lord of the devas, refuge of the Universe!

अमी च त्वां धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रा:
सर्वे सहैवावनिपालसङ्घै: ।
भीष्मो द्रोण: सूतपुत्रस्तथासौ
सहास्मदीयैरपि योधमुख्यै: ।।

वक्त्राणि ते त्वरमाणा विशन्ति
दंष्ट्राकरालानि भयानकानि।
केचिद्विलग्ना दशनान्तरेषु
संदृश्यन्ते चूर्णितैरुत्तमाङ्गै: ।।

amī ca tvāṃ dhṛtarāṣṭrasya putrā:
sarve sahaivāvanipāla-saṅghai:
bhīṣmo droṇa: sūta-putras-tathāsau
sahāsmadīyair-api yodha-mukhyai: – 11.26
vaktrāṇi te tvaramāṇā viśanti
daṃṣṭrākarālāni bhayānakāni
kecid-vilagnā daśanāntareṣu
sandṛśyante cūrṇitair-uttamāṅgai: – 11.27

All the sons of Dhritarashtra with hordes of kings, Bheeshma, Drona, Karna (the son of Suta), along with the chief fighters on our side too, are rushing into the protruded teeth of Your terrible jaws. Some are seen with crushed heads caught between Your fierce teeth.

यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगा:
समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति ।
तथा तवामी नरलोकवीरा
विशन्ति वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति ।।

yathā nadīnāṃ bahavo’mbu-vegā:
samudram-evābhimukhā dravanti
tathā tavāmī nara-loka-vīrā
viśanti vaktrāṇy-abhivijvalanti – 11.28

As the rushing waters of many rivers speed on towards the ocean, so are these heroes of men, entering Your blazing mouths.

यथा प्रदीप्तं ज्वलनं पतङ्गा
विशन्ति नाशाय समृद्धवेगा:।
तथैव नाशाय विशन्ति लोका:-
तवापि वक्त्राणि समृद्धवेगा: ।।

yathā pradīptaṃ jvalanaṃ pataṅgā
viśanti nāśāya samṛddha-vegā:
tathaiva nāśāya viśanti lokām-
tavāpi vaktrāṇi samṛddha-vegā: – 11.29

As swarms of moths enter into the blazing fire only to get perished, so are the worlds entering Your mouths with tremendous speed to court destruction.

लेलिह्यसे ग्रसमान: समन्तात्-
तेजोभिरापूर्य जगत्समग्रं
भासस्तवोग्रा: प्रतपन्ति विष्णो ।।

lelihyase grasamāna: samantāt-
tejobhir-āpūrya jagat-samagraṃ
bhāsas-tavogrā: pratapanti viṣṇo – 11.30

Swallowing all the worlds with blazing mouths, Your tongues are licking all around. The terrific fiery rays proceeding from You, filling the entire world, are immensely scorching indeed, O Vishnu!

आख्याहि मे को भवानुग्ररूपो
नमोऽस्तु ते देववर प्रसीद ।
विज्ञातुमिच्छामि भवन्तमाद्यं
न हि प्रजानामि तव प्रवृत्तिम् ।।

ākhyāhi me ko bhavān-ugra-rūpo
namo’stu te deva-vara prasīda
vijñātum-icchāmi bhavantam-ādyaṃ
na hi prajānāmi tava pravṛttim – 11.31

Your Form is terrifying. Tell me who You are. O Great among Devas, my prostration to You. Be pleased towards me. I aspire to know You, the primordial being. I know not Your intent.

श्रीभगवानुवाच ।
कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो
लोकान् समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त: ।
ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे
येऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: ।।

śrī bhagavān-uvāca
kālo’smi loka-kṣaya-kṛt-pravṛddho
lokān samāhartum-iha pravṛtta:
ṛte’pi tvāṃ na bhaviṣyanti sarve
ye’vasthitā: pratyanīkeṣu yodhā: – 11.32

Lord Krishna said: I (the Supreme) am the mighty Time, destroyer of the world, engaged here to annihilate all beings. Even without you (if you are not there to fight), all the warriors arrayed in the rival armies will not survive.

तस्मात्त्वमुत्तिष्ठ यशो लभस्व
जित्वा शत्रून् भुङ्क्ष्व राज्यं समृद्धम् ।
मयैवैते निहता: पूर्वमेव
निमित्तमात्रं भव सव्यसाचिन् ।।

tasmāt-tvam-uttiṣṭha yaśo labhasva
jitvā śatrūn bhuṅkṣva rājyaṃ samṛddham
mayaivaite nihatā: pūrvam-eva
nimittamātraṃ bhava savyasācin – 11.33

Therefore arise, attain fame by conquering enemies, and enjoy the affluent kingdom. All of them are already slain by Me (the Supreme). O Savyasachin (Arjuna), be only an instrument in the process.

द्रोणं च भीष्मं च जयद्रथं च
कर्णं तथान्यानपि योधवीरान् ।
मया हतांस्त्वं जहि मा व्यथिष्ठा
युध्यस्व जेतासि रणे सपत्नान् ।।

droṇaṃ ca bhīṣmaṃ ca jayadrathaṃ ca
karṇaṃ tathānyān-api yodha-vīrān
mayā hatāṃs-tvaṃ jahi mā vyathiṣṭhā
yudhyasva jetāsi raṇe sapatnān – 11.34

Kill Drona, Bheeshma, Jayadratha, Karna and the other brave fighters. Be not pained or troubled. They are (already) slain by Me (the Supreme). Fight, and win over the adversaries in the battle.

सञ्जय उवाच ।
एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं केशवस्य
कृताञ्जलिर्वेपमान: किरीटी ।
नमस्कृत्वा भूय एवाह कृष्णं
सगद्गदं भीतभीत: प्रणम्य ।।

sañjaya uvāca
etacchrutvā vacanaṃ keśavasya
kṛtāñjalir-vepamāna: kirīṭī
namaskṛtvā bhūya evāha kṛṣṇaṃ
sagadgadaṃ bhīta-bhīta: praṇamya – 11.35

Sanjaya said: After hearing these words of Keshava (Krishna), trembling Kiriti (Arjuna), prostrating again with folded hands, told Krishna fearfully with choked voice:

अर्जुन उवाच ।
स्थाने हृषीकेश तव प्रकीर्त्या
जगत् प्रहृष्यत्यनुरज्यते च ।
रक्षांसि भीतानि दिशो द्रवन्ति
सर्वे नमस्यन्ति च सिद्धसङ्घा: ।।

arjuna uvāca
sthāne hṛṣīkeśa tava prakīrtyā
jagat prahṛṣyaty-anurajyate ca
rakṣāṃsi bhītāni diśo dravanti
sarve namasyanti ca siddha-saṅghā: – 11.36

Arjuna said: It is quite in order, O Hrisheekesha (Krishna), that the world exults and rejoices in praising You, and the Rakshasas (evil-minded, devils) flee from You in fear to all directions, while siddhas (elevated souls) prostrate in adoration.

कस्माच्च ते न नमेरन्महात्मन्
गरीयसे ब्रह्मणोऽप्यादिकर्त्रे ।
अनन्त देवेश जगन्निवास
त्वमक्षरं सदसत्तत्परं यत् ।।

kasmāc-ca te na nameran-mahātman
garīyase brahmaṇo’pyādi-kartre
ananta deveśa jagan-nivāsa
tvam-akṣaraṃ sad-asat-tat-paraṃ yat – 11.37

O Mahātman, why should they not prostrate before You, as You are greater than even Brahmā (the Creator). You are the primordial Cause of all! O Infinite, the Lord of Devas, Abode of the Universe, You are the Imperishable, the Principle of existence and non-existence, as well as the Absolute that transcends both!

त्वमादिदेव: पुरुष: पुराण:-
त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम् ।
वेत्तासि वेद्यं च परं च धाम
त्वया ततं विश्वमनन्तरूप ।।

tvam-ādideva: puruṣa: purāṇam-
tvam-asya viśvasya paraṃ nidhānam
vettāsi vedyaṃ ca paraṃ ca dhāma
tvayā tataṃ viśvam-ananta-rūpa – 11.38

You are the foremost Deva, the Purusha, the Ancient. You are the Refuge of the entire world. You are the Knower, the knowable, as well as the supreme Abode. O the Infinite, by You is this Universe pervaded.

वायुर्यमोऽग्निर्वरुण: शशाङ्क:
प्रजापतिस्त्वं प्रपितामहश्च ।
नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु सहस्रकृत्व:
पुनश्च भूयोऽपि नमो नमस्ते ।।

vāyur-yamo’gnir-varuṇa: śaśāṅka:
prajāpatis-tvaṃ prapitāmahaś-ca
namo namaste’stu sahasra-kṛtva:
punaś-ca bhūyo’pi namo namaste – 11.39

You are Vayu (wind-god), Yama (Lord of death), Agni (fire), Varuna (rain-god), Moon, the Father of beings and the great Grandfather. Obeisance to You a thousand times, prostrations to You again and again.

Krishna. Fighter Arjuna has grown extremely devotional!

नम: पुरस्तादथ पृष्ठतस्ते
नमोऽस्तु ते सर्वत एव सर्व ।
सर्वं समाप्नोषि ततोऽसि सर्व: ।।

nama: purastād-atha pṛṣṭhatas-te
namo’stu te sarvata eva sarva
sarvaṃ samāpnoṣi tato’si sarva: – 11.40

Salutation to You from the front and back. O All, Prostration from all sides. You are of infinite power and unsurpassable valour. You pervade all things, and therefore You are all !

सखेति मत्वा प्रसभं यदुक्तं
हे कृष्ण हे यादव हे सखेति ।
अजानता महिमानं तवेदं
मया प्रमादात्प्रणयेन वापि ।।

विहारशय्यासनभोजनेषु ।
एकोऽथवाप्यच्युत तत्समक्षं
तत्क्षामये त्वामहमप्रमेयम् ।।

sakheti matvā prasabhaṃ yad-uktaṃ
he kṛṣṇa he yādava he sakheti
ajānatā mahimānaṃ tavedaṃ
mayā pramādāt-praṇayena vāpi – 11.41
eko’thavāpy-acyuta tat-samakṣaṃ
tat-kṣāmaye tvām-aham-aprameyam – 11.42

Considering You only as a friend, not knowing Your greatness, whatever I have spoken out of carelessness or fondness, addressing you freely as O Krishna,
O Yadava, O my friend, whatever treatment I have given You without due respect or in fun, while playing, lying on bed, sitting together, eating food, alone or even in presence of others, O Achyuta (Krishna), for all that I beg forgiveness from You, the immeasurable.

पितासि लोकस्य चराचरस्य
त्वमस्य पूज्यश्च गुरुर्गरीयान् ।
न त्वत्समोऽस्त्यभ्यधिक: कुतोऽन्यो
लोकत्रयेऽप्यप्रतिमप्रभाव ।।

pitāsi lokasya carācarasya
tvam-asya pūjyaś-ca gurur-garīyān
na tvat-samo’sty-abhyadhika: kuto’nyo
lokatraye’py-apratima-prabhāva – 11.43

You are the Father of the mobile and immobile creation, as also the object of worship, greater than the great. None in the three worlds can equal You. Where then, is any to excel You, O one of incomparable might?

तस्मात्प्रणम्य प्रणिधाय कायं
प्रसादये त्वामहमीशमीड्यम् ।
पितेव पुत्रस्य सखेव सख्यु:
प्रिय: प्रियायार्हसि देव सोढुम् ।।

tasmāt-praṇamya praṇidhāya kāyaṃ
prasādaye tvām-ahamīśam-īḍyam
piteva putrasya sakheva sakhyu:
priya: priyāyārhasi deva soḍhum – 11.44

Therefore, O worshippable Lord, bending my body and prostrating before you, I seek Your grace. Like a father the son’s, a friend his friend’s, a dear one his beloved’s, O God, You must bear with my lapses.

अदृष्टपूर्वं हृषितोऽस्मि दृष्ट्वा
भयेन च प्रव्यथितं मनो मे ।
तदेव मे दर्शय देवरूपं
प्रसीद देवेश जगन्निवास ।।

adṛṣṭa-pūrvaṃ hṛṣito’smi dṛṣṭvā
bhayena ca pravyathitaṃ mano me
tad-eva me darśaya deva-rūpaṃ
prasīda deveśa jagan-nivāsa – 11.45

Seeing this Form never seen earlier, I am delighted, but my mind is also troubled by fear. Show me that Divine Form alone, and be pleased with me, O Lord of all gods, O the indwelling Presence of the whole Universe.

किरीटिनं गदिनं चक्रहस्तम्-
इच्छामि त्वां द्रष्टुमहं तथैव ।
तेनैव रूपेण चतुर्भुजेन
सहस्रबाहो भव विश्वमूर्ते ।।

kirīṭinaṃ gadinaṃ cakra-hastam-
icchāmi tvāṃ draṣṭum-ahaṃ tathaiva
tenaiva rūpeṇa catur-bhujena
sahasra-bāho bhava viśva-mūrte – 11.46

I wish to see You in that form – with crown, mace and discus. Therefore, O Thousand-armed,
O Universal form, become that four-armed form itself.

श्रीभगवानुवाच ।
मया प्रसन्नेन तवार्जुनेदं
रूपं परं दर्शितमात्मयोगात् ।
तेजोमयं विश्वमनन्तमाद्यं
यन्मे त्वदन्येन न दृष्टपूर्वम् ।।

śrī bhagavān-uvāca
mayā prasannena tavārjunedaṃ
rūpaṃ paraṃ darśitam-ātma-yogāt
tejomayaṃ viśvam-anantam-ādyaṃ
yan-me tvad-anyena na dṛṣṭa-pūrvam – 11.47

Lord Krishna said: As I am pleased with you,
O Arjuna, this brilliant, universal, infinite, primordial, supreme Form, which none else than you has ever seen, has been shown to you by Me, by dint of the power of the Self.

न वेदयज्ञाध्ययनैर्न दानै:
न च क्रियाभिर्न तपोभिरुग्रै: ।
एवंरूप: शक्य अहं नृलोके
द्रष्टुं त्वदन्येन कुरुप्रवीर ।।

na veda-yajñādhyayanair-na dānai:
na ca kriyābhir-na tapobhir-ugrai:
evaṃ-rūpa: śakya ahaṃ nṛ-loke
draṣṭuṃ tvad-anyena kuru-pravīra – 11.48

Neither by Vedic sacrifice and study, nor by dāna (charity), nor by benevolent activities and severe austerities, this form of Mine can be seen by anyone other than you in the human world, O Kuru-pravira (Arjuna, the hero of the Kurus).

मा ते व्यथा मा च विमूढभावो
दृष्ट्वा रूपं घोरमीदृङ्ममेदम् ।
व्यपेतभी: प्रीतमना: पुनस्त्वं
तदेव मे रूपमिदं प्रपश्य ।।

mā te vyathā mā ca vimūḍha-bhāvo
dṛṣṭvā rūpaṃ ghoram-īdṛṅ-mam-edam
vyapeta-bhī: prītamanā: punas-tvaṃ
tad-eva me rūpam-idaṃ prapaśya – 11.49

Having seen this fierce form of Mine, have no affliction or delusional notes. With fear gone and the mind pleasant, see again this (natural) form of Mine, that you yearned to see.

सञ्जय उवाच ।
इत्यर्जुनं वासुदेवस्तथोक्त्वा
स्वकं रूपं दर्शयामास भूय: ।
आश्वासयामास च भीतमेनं
भूत्वा पुन: सौम्यवपुर्महात्मा ।।

sañjaya uvāca
ity-arjunaṃ vāsudevas-tathoktvā
svakaṃ rūpaṃ darśayāmāsa bhūya:
āśvāsayāmāsa ca bhītam-enaṃ
bhūtvā puna: saumya-vapur-mahātmā – 11.50

Sanjaya said: Having spoken to Arjuna like this, Vasudeva (Krishna) showed again his own (natural) form. Having put on the gentle, graceful form, the great Soul (Krishna) consoled the frightened Arjuna.

अर्जुन उवाच ।
दृष्ट्वेदं मानुषं रूपं तव सौम्यं जनार्दन ।
इदानीमस्मि संवृत्त: सचेता: प्रकृतिं गत: ।।

arjuna uvāca
dṛṣṭvedaṃ mānuṣaṃ rūpaṃ tava saumyaṃ janārdana
idānīm-asmi saṃvṛtta: sacetā: prakṛtiṃ gata: – 11.51

Arjuna said: Having seen your gentle human form, O Janardana, I have now become composed. With my mind comforted, I am restored to my own nature.

श्रीभगवानुवाच ।
सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मम ।
देवा अप्यस्य रूपस्य नित्यं दर्शनकाङ्क्षिण: ।।

śrī bhagavān-uvāca
sudurdarśam-idaṃ rūpaṃ dṛṣṭavān-asi yan-mama
devā apyasya rūpasya nityaṃ darśana-kāṅkṣiṇa: – 11.52

Lord Krishna said: Whatever form of Me (the Supreme) you saw, is extremely rare to see. Even Devas always aspire to see this Universal form!

नाहं वेदैर्न तपसा न दानेन न चेज्यया ।
शक्य एवंविधो द्रष्टुं दृष्टवानसि मां यथा ।।

nāhaṃ vedair-na tapasā na dānena na cejyayā
śakya evaṃ-vidho draṣṭuṃ dṛṣṭavān-asi māṃ yathā – 11.53

I (the Supreme) cannot be seen in the manner you have seen, either by Vedic studies, or by austerities, charities or yajñas.

भक्त्या त्वनन्यया शक्य अहमेवंविधोऽर्जुन ।
ज्ञातुं द्रष्टुं च तत्त्वेन प्रवेष्टुं च परन्तप ।।

bhaktyā tv-ananyayā śakya aham-evaṃ-vidho’rjuna
jñātuṃ draṣṭuṃ ca tattvena praveṣṭuṃ ca parantapa – 11.54

But Arjuna, only by unswerving exclusive devotion, one can know, visualize, realize in essence and finally enter into this Universal Dimension of Mine, O scorcher of enemies.

मत्कर्मकृन्मत्परमो मद्भक्त: सङ्गवर्जित: ।
निर्वैर: सर्वभूतेषु य: स मामेति पाण्डव ।।

mat-karma-kṛn-mat-paramo mad-bhakta: saṅga-varjita:
nirvaira: sarva-bhūteṣu ya: sa mām-eti pāṇḍava – 11.55

One who works for My sake, considers Me (the Self) as the Supreme, is devoted to Me, is rid of any delusional clinging, and fosters no animosity towards anybody, attains Me (the Supreme), O Pandava.

ओं तत्सदिति श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतासूपनिषत्सु ब्रह्मविद्यायां योगशास्त्रे श्रीकृष्णार्जुनसंवादे विश्वरूपदर्शनयोगो नाम एकादशोऽध्याय:।

oṃ tat-sad-iti śrīmad-bhagavad-gītāsūpaniṣatsu brahma-vidyāyāṃ yoga-śāstre śrīkṛṣṇārjuna-saṃvāde viśva-rūpa-darśana-yogo nāma ekā-daśo’dhyāya:

Om – the symbol of Brahman, tat – that singular Reality (Brahman), sat – the ever abiding presence (Brahman).
Thus ends the eleventh chapter entitled Viśva-rūpa-darśana Yoga, during the Srikrishna-Arjuna dialogue in Śrīmad Bhagavad Gita, constituting Yoga-śāstra, which falls within Brahmavidya as presented in the Vedic Upanishads.

Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

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