

Prabhata Rashmih – Making Devotion Wholesome

The Science of Devotion

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The Science of Devotion

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Chanting a Verse composed by Shankaracharya, Swamiji details the steps in the ladder of devotion. A devotee should grow from the worship of idols to the discovery of the ever-present God within himself.

By climbing the ladder of devotion, one must go closer and closer to the indwelling Lord. Whatever be the means or methodology, one’s mind should be focused on God. One must have a vibrant, personal communication with the ever- present God.

One can approach God by any kind of emotions-anger, fear, competition, jealousy, indifference and love. Swamiji opens a new dimension of constantly being connected to the nearest and dearest God, with no breaks or formal worship. A devotee must take refuge exclusively in God.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहं
पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिः ।
संचारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरो
यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शंभो तवाराधनम् ।।

Shivamanasapooja 4

PR 24 Jan 2016

Prabhata Rashmih – Making Devotion Wholesome

The Science of Devotion

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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