

Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

The Mind has the Power to Cling and also Leave

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • The Mind has the Power to Cling and also Leave

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

In this Talk, Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha discusses the message given by Lord Krishna to Uddhava in the 11th Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatam. Krishna reveals the grand state of renunciation and non-clinging.

Swamiji declares that so long as one is bound to a householder’s life, a person is only half human. It is only the fulfillment of the Sannyasa ashrama, where the quest is exclusively for the Absolute Truth, wanting nothing at all, that the human life is complete. Such a renunciate lets go of everything, never even living for the next day.

Here, Swamiji recounts the grandeur of the great Emperor Rishabhadev, who after giving the sermon on Dharma to his sons, renounced the emperorship and lived in the joyful state of austerity. His mortal body simply merged in Nature by the forest fires. Swamiji describes the glory of such a state of renunciation. The human mind has the inexplicable power to willing leave everything in the world for permanent fulfillment.

Shlokas chanted in the Track:

ज्ञानं विशुद्धं विपुलं यथैतद् वैराग्यविज्ञानयुतं पुराणम् ।
आख्याहि विश्वेश्वर विश्वमूर्ते त्वद्भक्तियोगं च महद्विमृग्यम् ।।
तापत्रयेणाभिहतस्य घोरे संतप्यमानस्य भवाध्वनीश ।
पश्यामि नान्यच्छरणं तवाङ्घ्रिद्वन्द्वातपत्रादमृताभिवर्षात् ।।
दष्टं जनं संपतितं बिलेस्मिन् कालाहिना क्षुद्रसुखोरुतर्षम् ।
समुद्धरैनं कृपयापवक्यैर्वचोभिरासिञ्च महानुभाव ।।
Srimad Bhagavatam- 11.19.8-11.19.10

PR 27 May 2011

Prabhata Rashmih - Austerity and Renunciation

The Mind has the Power to Cling and also Leave

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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