

Prabhata Rashmih - The Practice of Sadhana

Become Wholesomely Spiritual

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Become Wholesomely Spiritual

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Swamiji exhorts seekers to close all windows and doors and go within. The purpose is to have meditational absorption using a Mantra. As we get engrossed in it, everything slows down and we go to the source of it all. We are in a state of conscious sleep and the whole mystery of creation is revealed. This is meditational absorption.

The mind employs the body to engage in various interactions. Normally, our mind is filled with raga, dvesha and bhaya and through interactions these emotions multiply and intensify. A seeker must make efforts to sublimate these three and purify the mind. Intelligence employs the mind into interactions at all levels. This intelligence must be drawn to the subject. Once we study our inner personality, we start eliminating the undesirable and incorporating the desirable.

The seeker needs to refine his interactions by making the mind and intelligence better and better by improving qualities and excellences within. As we do absorption and interactions both, there will be a time when we will be more alert, sensitive and gradually our interactions will themselves become our sadhana.

As the mind takes note of the interactional impacts, it works on the affectations and torments with a note of awareness. This is called Jeevan Mukti– a state of Sahaja Samadhi that remains concurrent with activity and interactions. The Jeevan Mukta understands the body as an instrument and the mind intelligence as the fulcrum, the source. All interactions are ancillary to him.

A sadhaka must only focus on becoming wholesomely spiritual. This is Self-realization, a fulfillment, the state of Sahaja Samadhi and being a Jeevan Mukta.

PR 26 Jul 2013

Prabhata Rashmih - The Practice of Sadhana

Become Wholesomely Spiritual

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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