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    Audios (2)

    • Interactional Sadhana of Mutuality, Love and Tolerance

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    • Titiksa - the quality of forbearance

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Articles (4)

    Ma Gurupriya

    The Most Delightful Adventure

    Always keep a beautiful picture of yourself in your mind. Full of all good qualities, like love, sympathy, sacrifice, patience, tolerance, perseverance, endurance, hope, confidence, fearlessness, truthfulness, straightforwardness, transparence, non-laziness, calmness, peace, joy and so on ..

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    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Need of a Guru in Spiritual Pursuit

    Any earnest seeker will not have a question on the need for having a Guru to lead him safely and fast to his goal. You want to reach somewhere. You do not clearly know the destination. If someone knows and is ready to help you, why think further about it at all?

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    Ma Gurupriya

    Spirituality and Science—Is there a conflict?

    From the time I stepped onto this path, there was a new meaning in my life.

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    Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

    Why Ochre robes?

    This colour also represents earth. Earlier, Sannyasins used to dye their cloth with a special ochre coloured earth called ‘Geri-mitti’.

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