40 aayur-varsha-shatam
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
37 vyaghreeva tishtati
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
36 aadityasya gatagatair
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
48 maatar medini taata maaruta
Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha
Shloka 75 vyaaghreeva tishthati
Ma Gurupriya
Shloka 62 aashaa naama nadi
Ma Gurupriya
Man remains oblivious of the fact that, with the rising and setting of the sun, life is shrinking every day. He is so much engrossed in the heavy burden of worldly activities that never is he aware that time, which is very precious, which could have been used for the pursuit of liberation, is simply passing by and is getting wasted.
Read Moreवयमिह परितुष्टा वल्कलैस्त्वं दुकूलै:सम इव परितोषो निर्विशेषो विशेष: ।स तु भवतु दरिद्रो यस्य तृष्णा विशाला मनसि च परितुष्टे कोऽर्थवान् को दरिद्र: ।। vayamiha parituṣṭā valkalaistvaṁ dukūlaiḥ sama iva paritoṣo nirviśeṣo viśeṣaḥ |sa tu bhavatu daridro yasya tṛṣṇā viśālā manasi ca parituṣṭe ko'rthavān ko daridraḥ ||
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