Quiz competition at CIRD Jamshedpur

26 November 2023

Quiz competition at CIRD Jamshedpur (26-November-2023)

On Sunday, the 26th November, as a novel initiative by CIRD, Jamshedpur, for the Ist time a quiz competition on 2nd chapter of Geeta was conducted in the Vignana Bhavan hall. Five teams consisting of 2 members each participated, out of which 3 teams were of ladies and 2 of gents. Sri Manoj Dubeyji was the Quiz Master, Sri Sitaram Sahuji was in the role of Judge and Smt. Seema Sahay was managing the score card.

It was conducted in a very enjoyable and sporting manner in the right spirit of —

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ।

मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ॥

Winners and loosers both were elated by their participation in it. It was pleasant to watch that, throughout two ladies teams moved neck to neck leaving the men’s teams far behind. About 25 CHC children were also present in the hall, who chanted Omkara and some shlokas and bhàjans in the beginning and after the end of the quiz programme. Also, it is worth mentioning that even small children were well disciplined throughout.

In the audience, about 30 people (mostly devotees) were also present to witness this interesting and educative programme. It was proposed that such quiz programme be conducted every month. As required by one of the devotees, it was declared that the next month’s quiz will be on Chapter 12 of Geeta. Day and date will be communicated later. Then Prasada was distributed among all present.
