Joyful Deepavali Celebrations at Narayanashrama Tapovanam

14 November 2023

Here are heartfelt glimpses from the luminous Deepavali celebrations that echoed across Narayanashrama Tapovanam, CIRD Jamshedpur, Delhi, North America and SIRD Malaysia.

‘Deep’ representing the brilliance of ‘light’🪔 and ‘avali’ portraying ‘a row’🪔🪔 giving rise to a dazzling sequence of lights🪔🪔🪔🪔 as they enchanted every corner of the ashram and the centres. May the self-effulgent light of our true identity, shining beyond all darkness, fill our hearts and minds with its brilliance. Let this Deepavali be a celebration of the light that resides within us all. 🙏

Shubh Deepavali to all!🪔🪔
