Discourse & Satsangs

Poojya Swamiji’s 91st Jayanti

START: MAY 13, 2024

09:00AM IST

END: MAY 13, 2024

01:00PM IST


Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Thrissur



The holy Jayanti (birthday) of Poojya Swamiji was observed on 13th May 2024 in Ashram and other Centres. The programme consisted of bhajans, worship of Poojya Swamiji’s Lotus feet followed by his special benedictory message and prasada distribution.

Guru Jayanti Celebration

– Sadhika Mrinalini Appadurai

Way to Placidity

Poojya Swamiji’s Jayanti message this year was a precise formula for peaceful living – do what you don’t like, and don’t do what you like. Swamiji said this was what he had learnt, and lived his entire life by – the sure way to overcoming likes and dislikes and attaining peace, happiness and fulfilment – Prasada, the real Prasada, placidity that shines in all situations – favourable or unfavourable!

Sweetness of Devotion

Every year for Guru Jayanti, prasada is prepared with much thought, care and discussion. Finally a consensus is achieved with the final word from Poojya Swamiji. What kind of prasada, what size, quantity, how many to give, in which manner it is to be packed. This year it was two medium-size laddoos in a sealed pack for each devotee. One laddoo per packet for small children; Ashram’s renunciate puppy Surya also was a recipient.

In all that sweetness, the pervading emotion is bhakti, soaked with love for our Guru, gratitude that we are here in his bodily presence. And so we celebrate the day his body took birth.

Ma with Coordinators

Changing Hands

For many years, such celebrations – Guru Jayanti and Gurupoornima – were managed and run by senior, experienced devotees. Over the years, many have become aged. Some stalwarts have passed away, a few quite recently – Lakshminarayanji, Balakrishnan Uncle and most recently Madhavan Dada. Their presence was most definitely missed. But the memory of how they were as sevaks – the dedication, energy and wholeheartedness they brought to whatever seva they were engaged in – inspired and drove us all forward.

During Gurupoornima last year many changes took place, with several fairly new devotees taking leading roles and committedly arriving well in advance. This year for Jayanti, a similar system was followed, with most of the same people at the helm. One-way movement for guests, partaking of food only after receiving prasada from Poojya Swamiji (exceptions made for diabetics/elderly), restructuring of designated feeding areas, etc. were again thoroughly discussed and fine-tuned.

Gearing Up

Guests started arriving as early as 3 weeks before Jayanti, spreading out over the coming days with the main influx taking place 2 days before. Everyone was eager and enthused, ready to jump into their designated roles. Volunteer-lists were drawn, discussed and redrawn under Ma’s guidance, with her knowledge and understanding of what each role required, the personality of each sevak and where he or she could best contribute.

As the day drew closer, preparations moved at a quicker pace – confirming cooks and menus; cooking vessels, tables and chairs from Vyasa Tapovanam; sound engineers, generators, photographer, inviting guests. Sanjeev, our new part-time front office staff, proved to be a hidden gem, constructing a beautiful and elegant curtain for regulating movement of devotees.

Madhavan Dada’s passing away also meant Aravindan (who handles decoration, live-streaming and video recording every year) was absent on Jayanti day as it coincided with the day of final rituals for his father. So, a professional company was hired to do live-streaming. Aravindan came the day before to guide them in setting up and understanding our requirements, and also help newbies in decorating the hall. The night before Jayanti, flowers were cleaned in pin-drop silence in Vijnana Bhavan by a group of lady devotees, while many of the men along with Ashram staff set up the feeding areas.

Cooks came in at 3 am of 13th May to start preparations. Guests arriving at early dawn were sent to their rooms to freshen up and get ready for the event. Quick morning prayer was followed by early breakfast. Last minute decorations put up, chairs and mats arranged in Vijnana Bhavan, Satsang Hall, front verandah. Volunteers with ‘Sevak’ tags hanging around their necks ready to be stationed at respective areas.

Guru Archana

Svāgatam Guro …

And finally, the Divine moment. Poojya Swamiji walked towards Vijnana Bhavan flanked by Nutan Swamiji and Ma and paid obeisance at Baba’s shrine with fondness and reverence. He greeted all present in the hall and out on the terrace. Welcome announcements by MCs reminded us how blessed we are that Poojya Swamiji, his body in its 92nd year, remains active and fully available to guide us all with his love and compassion.

Chosen couple for Guru Archana were Radhesh and Geetha, who had come with their 10-year-old daughter Ditsa. Radhesh (whose parents Narayanan Nambiarji and Sumamji are long-time devotees) grew up as a child with the association of the Ashram. At the conclusion of Guru Archana, Poojya Swamiji introduced Ditsa, who charmed everyone with her innocence and cheerfulness, combined with love for chanting Vedic hymns.

Devotees receiving prasada from Poojya Swamiji

Swamiji delivered his powerful and inspiring message first in English (with a short Bengali segment remembering the Dakshinkhanda devotees), and then in Malayalam. In between was Bhojana Pavitreekaranam – Poojya Swamiji purifying the food with his sankalpa.

The flow of offering praṇāms with flowers, and receiving prasada, accompanied by bhajans and musical mastery of Sri G. Mohan on violin with brothers G. Suresh and G. Prakash on ghatam and mridangam respectively, continued smoothly.

It has been some time since we concluded a programme of devotional dancing with Sreenivasanji’s “barsat barsat Sadguru kṛpaa…”. Hearing the initial strains, we all knew what was coming. Everyone quickly wrapped up, waiting for the ecstatic magic to begin. Poojya Swamiji picked up his sticks. Nutan Swamiji accompanying with the cymbal, Ma leading everyone in clapping to the rhythm.

Poojya Swamiji dancing with devotees

The wheel of devotees moved beautifully around Poojya Swamiji. The pace picked up, Poojya Swamiji gesturing with his arms raised to increase the tempo further. Emotions were running high, devotion at its peak. Smiles and laughter burst forth, tears flowed freely. With the final “Sadguru Maharaj ki… JAI!”, all bowed down in utmost gratitude, love and indescribable blessedness to have been there on this day.

Until Next Time

Post Jayanti celebration, the band of devotees came together that night with Poojya Swamiji, Nutan Swamiji and Ma, dissecting every step of the event, identifying shortfalls and coming up with suggestions for improvement. Some of the staff and workers who were still working that night also shared their inputs.

In the days to come most of the volunteers returned to their homes enriched and fulfilled, inspired to come back and do better. Cooks have left, large vessels and furniture have been returned. Decorations taken down. The sweltering heat pre-Jayanti also seems to have relented somewhat.

But the heart remains full, mind at the feet of our Guru. Despite age and all it brings, we see Poojya Swamiji tirelessly continuing to bring this Knowledge and spirit to all who will receive it, and we pray that we be worthy enough to carry it.


May 13, 2024
09:00AM - 09:30AM IST
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Thrissur

All are welcome

May 13, 2024
09:30AM - 11:00AM IST
Guru Archana
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Thrissur

All are welcome

May 13, 2024
11:00AM - 12:30PM IST
Jayanti Message
Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Thrissur

All are welcome
