

Prabhata Rashmih - The Role of a Guru

Expectations of The Guru from a Disciple

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • Expectations of The Guru from a Disciple

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

What does Swamiji expect from his disciples? In this talk, Swamiji speaks on this subject.

A teacher imparts the best knowledge to a student. He expects the student to have receptivity, absorb whatever he is being told. The student may have doubts, but he should raise the questions in a very humble and proper manner. Raising questions is an important part in the dialogue. From the questions and enquiries, the Guru would understand how much the disciple is doing his sadhana.

Spiritual wisdom seen in the guru can be imbibed only by fondness one has for the Guru. Fondness makes the disciple an heir to the Guru. Wherever the seeker is, he must be completely wedded to the greatness of spiritual wisdom. One’s mind and intelligence must be given to spiritual enrichment. Close contact and association with the Guru, helps a shishya absorb the qualities he sees in the Guru.

A seeker must wholeheartedly participate in his Guru’s mission of knowledge dissemination. Swamiji urges everyone to ensure that their merits, skills and attunement develop, so that there is a wholesome personality development.

PR 23 May 2012

Prabhata Rashmih - The Role of a Guru

Expectations of The Guru from a Disciple

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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